Saturday, August 3, 2013

9 Weeks Old!

Hazen is 9 weeks old already!  It's amazing how children can have the same DNA but have different traits all together.  Hazen has some features that are the same as Adler but also looks like.....Hazen!  Nana thinks he is built larger than Adler.  Diffidently, has an appetite and very little patience when it's time to eat!  It's wonderful to sit and snuggle with him and soak up the innocence.  Adler has been quite "The Helper", Mom is getting really fast on her feet.  Nana thinks he needs a T-Shirt that says, "Can't B Trusted!"  We are very proud of Adler - he has decided it's time to wear Big Boy pants.  Yea!!!
Praise God, we have been getting some much needed moisture in our area.  Everything is green and the flowers are blooming.  God is good.  Terry and I have been doing well.  Finally made a couple of Doctor appointments and have had some tests to make sure everything is working as it should be.  I guess that is part of making it over the "50" hump.  Shelby and Jared are soaking in the joys of parenting and adjusting to having an extra member in the family.  Uncle Stephen and Aunt Sadie have been busy with their jobs.  I think they are satisfied for the time being, playing and spoiling the nephews, then going home!  Dad has been doing great and Mom finally finished her treatments.  They left for Colorado last week and will be gone the month of August.  Since they placed Mr. Rooster in another home, (which was one of the conditions), I am taking care of the chickens and house (with Terry's help).  Izzy seems ok with Hazen's arrival and loves to see Adler.  Nana and Izzy miss having the extra energy in the house.  Starting the last week of August, this old lady will be taking care of her boys again while Mommy & Daddy work.  I love knowing that this is how it's suppose to be.  It gives me a Purpose.


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