A couple of weeks ago, Terry and I found a couple of baby Blue jays in the backyard. Mom and Dad were close by making quite the ruckus. Nevertheless, they didn't seem to be worried about us or Izzy coming and going. Last week, I noticed one of them sitting in the grass not trying to scurry away from Izzy. I was able to pick the tiny bird up and noticed it's left leg was terribly swollen and had a string wrapped tightly around the upper part, cutting down to the bone. Of course, I brought it into the house and proceeded to cut the string off. During the entire procedure, the little guy never struggled. After cleaning the wound with soap and water, I put some ointment on it and gave him a drink of water. I told myself, "I have done my part for Mother Nature", I took him back outside and tossed him over the fence to the neighbor's yard! Even though I wanted to help, I new without a doubt, I didn't want the poor little thing dying in my yard! To all of our amazement, Terry, myself and Izzy, both of the baby blue jays are still with us and visit daily.
There are more new pictures at the bottom of the blog. I hope you are enjoying.