My Goodness, what a month! Where to start...Adler is now 4 weeks old and growing. He is such a joy! Jared and Shelby are wonderful parents and seem to be getting into a "rhythm". They went to Enid and had pictures taken at 2 weeks. Of course, all of them are great. Great Great Grandma Clytice made a stocking (in 3 hours) for Adler to wear for pictures. It turned out really cute. You always hope for that one special picture and they got it. The one of Jared kissing him is priceless. He was awake for the entire photo shoot. Shelby is doing really good and Jared has been great at helping. Grandma tries to see Adler at least every other day or more. Papa (Terry chose this name thinking it would be easier to say and possibly sooner than GMa) sure is silly about the little guy. He still goes to Alva quite a bit but he's not golfing as much! We were fortunate enough to get a "Special Photo" of the Five Generations, GMa Clytice, Laura, Terry, Shelby and Adler. Terry and I have been very Blessed with all of our family. Sadie is staying busy with school. Her schedule has changed and she has started spending more time at the hospital. In order for her to keep up with her studying, she gave up her catering job at Panevino's and started selling Scentsy. She doesn't care too much for the distance between her house and her nephew's house. It's been nice that she's coming home more often though. Her relationship with Stephen is growing. He would make a great addition to our family. Last, I finished several more collages and hopefully will have morecoming up. I have really enjoyed making these for people. I would love to have some of you sign in as followers and leave some comments. As always, there are several new photos (yes, mostly of Adler!) at the bottom to enjoy. Enjoy.~DEO VOLENTE~