I never get enough of mornings! The beginning of each day has a wonderful stillness about it. To walk outside and feel the awakening of the town. To know what an amazing gift God has given us, can be intoxicating. So much in life is taken for granted. It's the small things that we so often forget to be thankful for.
Sadie and I completed a Baby Girl scrapbook this last weekend. A gift for a special friend. It was nice helping her and seeing the pride she took in doing this for someone else.
Izzy had a busy week tormenting Bailey (Sadie's Boxer). Izzy enjoys the company. She showed Bailey her "hunting" skills in the backyard with the squirrels and birds. Bailey's techniques are a little different. Her approach is not as subtle! She uses the "Bolting Bulldozer" affect. Needless to say, Izzy was not impressed.