I have been receiving an email called "Amanda Gore's Monthly Endorphin Injection" for over a year now. Most of the time I move them to file without taking the time to read them. For once, I read her newsletter which topic was "JOY" and all I can say is Wow! Once in a while things do actually hit home and this one did. She talked about the difference between Happiness and Joy. Happiness is about wanting. Joy is about giving. Imagine an iceberg, the teeny bit at the top which is visible would be called Happiness. The huge part that is below the water would be called Joy. Joy is giving, connecting and serving. It consists of gratitude, compassion, hope, generosity, reverence, laughter, love, listening, cheerful enthusiasm, equanimity, energy and vitality and forgiveness. She went on to say that when we practice any or all of these qualities in everyday living, we will find that Joy emerges from within us. I am challenging each one of you to live each day in a state of "JOY".