2010 is going to be a great year! It is always a good feeling (sometimes scary) to get a "Do Over". I am trying hard not make any resolutions that I won't be able to accomplish. I can't handle failure or defeat! The first goal of the new year was to figure out how I could keep from taking down the Christmas tree and putting it back up in December again. I know, about now your thinking what's the big deal? It's nothing to fret about until December! The problem is that I have never enjoyed putting up the tree and ALWAYS enjoyed my girls doing it for me. This year I decided maybe if I bought a smaller tree that it wouldn't be such a "big" project. So I did, only to leave it in the box, in the living room, until the week of Christmas. How sad is that? Well, this year I have decided to not take the tree down! Instead, I talked Terry into helping me carry the tree (with everything still on it) to the basement storage room. Some of the ornaments will have to be adjusted but I am going to leave the tree standing (covered) in full decoration until the day after Thanksgiving. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Again, I have put some of my favorite pictures at the bottom of my blog to share.

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